Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tuesday Titter

I have no grandparents. Damn cancer. Yeah, I started my Tuesday Titter with that… trust me, this will all make sense.

Now, grab a tissue and pay attention.

Since I am challenged in the area of older generational influence and spoiling, I often look upon curly, white headed adults with a little yearning.

There are these two ladies that walk every day in our parking lot. I sometimes imagine them tittering away about one of their grandsons, the doctor, and how he is still searching for his tall, witty big-boned goddess. They will see me up in my tower (read: 2nd floor office window) in all my perfectly-dyed-brown-haired glory and know instantly that they must run home and call said grandson on their rotary dial phone to tell them all about me.

I will then meet and fall in love with Dr. CuteGrannyPants and voila – I have grandparents.

Sometimes my fantasy grandparents are on TV. The Empire Carpet guy throws me into a titter induced coma when I hear his melodic voice flow out of the tube and into my cold grandparentless heart. I am not sure what he looks like (since he is a cartoon now), but I could pick out that voice in a lineup if I needed to.

I wanted to find a clip of his voice... here he is in person in 1995. Just listen to it and imagine it 12 years older reading you a bedtime story... zzzzzz

I love his voice almost as much as I love my beloved Morgan Freeman’s voice.

Ah Morgan Freeman… I would have you read me the instructions of a suppository package if it would mean your dulcet and wise tones would invade my ears. Titter.

By the way, um Mr. Freeman?

Oh, call you Morgan. *Blush*

Ok, Mo.

Oh, not Mo... you think I went too far. Right.

Anyway...Morgan, I am not implying that I need you to fill the grandparent void. I would actually prefer you in an older, wiser phone sex type of role.

Thanks. Bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love just love your tuesday tittering. You should name your first book that!!! I hope you don't drool up the window when watching the old lady parade. It would probably nix the dr deal. Ha!Ha! You don't want to start out on the wrong foot there!! Love ya Mom