Wednesday, October 31, 2007

7th Grade Mom

8:00am: Phone call to my mom...

Mom: Hello?

Me: Goodmorning, Happy Halloween! Did I wake you?

Mom: (sounding like I just woke her up) no.

Me: What was your favorite song when you were in 7th grade? What did you want to be when you grew up? What were your fears? Your dreams? Your hobbies? Who did you have a crush on? This is Stuffanie by the way. Did you dream that one day you would have an amazing and cute daughter?

Mom: Well, I am not sure about 7th grade, but my favorite song in 6th grade was "Dizzy" by Tommy Roe. You know... Dizzy my head is spinning... but like I said that was 6th grade.


What else? Hmmm... well, I also liked Bobby Sherman. As far as what I wanted to be... well, I guess that is around the time when I thought I was aspiring to be a writer. I wrote a lot of plays and poems. Wonder whatever happened to those... I also had a crush on Brad Schwartz.

ME (realizing that my mom just answered my absurd barrade of questions without hesitation because she knows I am crazy): Well, thanks! I am dressing as you for Halloween today. Well, the 7th grade version of you. I am on my way to work... talk to you later. Love you.

My Mom in 7th grade:

Me...currently in my 30s as my Mom in her early teens:


Anonymous said...

Did you have my glasses from then or what? I know why you couldn't do the mouth smile too many dimples. Did everyone know it was me with out you telling them? Boy did that sound conceited or what!!!!
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Should I call you Cindy now?