Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Stuffy La Fea

Friday evening - Q suggests we pick up a couple of flicks, some wine and a couple of extra, fudge chunk brownie mixes and hunker down for the weekend. Since I was just getting over some sort of bug that rendered me lazy tired and drug out and Queenie had just missed a day of work with the same bug, hunkering down seemed loverly!

We chose the first 2 DVDs of Ugly Betty season 1. Each DVD has 4 episodes which translates into roughly 8 hours of viewing pleasure. We also grabbed a movie (A Mighty Heart - rent it, it is powerful). So in toto - we were in for over 10 hours of staring comatose in front of a flickering box wearing our jammies... you would think this would be enough to keep a couple of gals (who were under the weather) content for an entire weekend.

You would be mislead.

The first thing we popped in was A Mighty Heart. We cried. We drank some wine and ate dinner. The hour was getting late, but we decided we should watch an episode of Ugly Betty - to get our spirits up.

8 hours later, we fell asleep.

We drug ourselves out of bed the next morning to go apartment scouting. We stopped by the video store and picked up 3 more DVDs... each containing 4 more episodes. We began watching them immediately.

Sunday morning around 2am, I fell asleep. Queenie followed 4 hours later. When we finally awoke later that morning, I caught up the 4 episodes I was behind and Queenie took a nap.

There was only 1 DVD left at the video store. We heard it calling out our names... begging to be watched. Queenie had a hair appointment (you should totally check it out, her hair is fabulous!), so she returned the 3 DVDs we had and rented the last one.

We watched the last one that afternoon.

I should tell you that we watched 23 hours of Ugly Betty.



We are seriously addicted. We are junkies.

And like junkies, Q and I are not quite sated. Season 2 is airing every Thursday evening smack in the middle of another show we watch. What are two addicted (albeit, good) gals supposed to do? The dealer that they used to get their first fix is all out of new drugs episodes and they have missed 4 fresh episodes of the season.

Q heard of this new dealer - he will give you bootleg copies for a fee, but I don't like his name, TiVo... sounds shady.
Word on the street is you can view them online. I think secretly Q is in her cubicle at work sneaking Ugly Betty fixes between projects. I can't quite prove it yet, but she is showing all the signs of a closeted junkie.

Why is U.B. so addictive? It can't be the realistic plots - Rebecca Romijn as Alexis who was once Alex, who now thinks he is still Alex, but looks like Alexis. Maybe it is because it is based on a telenovela (soap opera), Betty La Fea and I have always wanted to watch one.

Or it could be the deep message it is conveying in a funny and addictive way: What you look like on the inside is much more important than what you look like on the outside. Even if you are a bit hungover from drinking two bottles of wine when your immunities are low an your hair is matted to your head and your panties are all twisted under your sweat pants and you have old mascara caked under your eyelids because you didn't shower, you are still a diva inside!

Even if you thought this was a good homage to the 80's last Halloween.

You are still a diva inside...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must have UB...must have it. My precious....precious. queenster loves her UB...precious.

(hands shaking - typing)