Sunday, April 20, 2008

Such a kidder

Hey, remember that time I tried to get you believe that I was on strike just like those writers that make me laugh via their sitcomic genius?

I am such a kidder.

Here is the real deal... I am slowly getting my creative juices flowing again after having difficulty summoning them for a few months (sort of the dry-heaves effect). I am realizing I need this outlet to vomit out anything that is stuck in the crusty recesses of my brain that may cause future insanity.

I am also working with Queenie to design a look for my top pic (Is that called a masthead? I am so very blog savvy.). And guess what, I tried to update my template and the internets stole my old frog on a chair picture, my archives and that pic of my chubby fingers you now see on the left. Thankfully, I was able to get most of it back... geesh.

So, faithful blog audience family... I will return here with some regularity to entertain you soon.

Just in case you want to join the fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to get a template done for your company ... man. Calm down! I'll get you something.
