Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Study of 3 Sisters

It has been said about my sisters and I that we have our own language. We have even been asked by certain family members to speak this language on command. I don’t see how we could since it is not a conscious act. I am sure it has to do with the wonderful understanding Beaner, Queenie and I have of each other’s quirkiness. We can finish sentences and know each other well enough to communicate without full words. It is just something that we have between us. I think that all siblings have their own language. I would even dare to take it a step further and say that there is a unique culture in sibling relationships.

Our culture is made up of traditions, strange habits and utter silliness. It is molded from a history of being just about all each other had in many situations. It is from being 3 girls primarily raised by a mom who liked to write, read romance novels and never watched sports. It is from playing Barbies for hours in our room that was usually transformed into a Barbie village. It is from struggling to be quiet in the backseat while the adults were talking up front.

Behold examples of sister culture… reader beware.

Before each movie in a theater, Queenie leans over to whisper, “Good Luck”. I’d like to know when this started. And why do I wait with bated breath to hear it? In fact, I can’t imagine a movie without this. I don’t even want to think about what would happen if she didn’t say it. Would I not enjoy the movie, would I choke on a popcorn seed? No, I will not go to that dark place. Queenie, if you are reading this, do not stop saying it EVER. Do not play with the cosmos that way.

Speaking of movies…when did
Shag become our favorite? When did we start watching it as therapy? We can watch this over and over and never tire of it. Why does every quote from that movie fit into our daily lives and why do they spout out of our mouths spontaneously when we are together?

Stuff: “Are you drunk?”

Beaner: “I only had half a beer. A beer and a half.”

Then there is the signal. For as long as I can remember, I knew instinctively to look down at my boobs whenever one of my sisters rubbed their noses. The nose rub signal can mean one or more of the following:

The cups runneth over
It is very cold outside
The extra fat pocket that resides between your boobs and your arm is exposed
Your cleavage is threatening to spill out of your bathing suit
Or simply that something is amuck with your boob area

This signal has helped to avoid some major teenage angst and I just know it will make an appearance at all of our weddings.

There are certain words and phrases that we share that spark memories and are complete nonsense to everyone around us. I know if I said, “tuna fish omelet” to either of my sisters, uncontrollable laughter will ensue as they remember Dad’s cuisine in his bachelor days. Memories of a scary neighbor will pop into their heads if they hear, “scuz”. A little bit of anxiety will creep in if I say, “get off my grass”. Then, “A Tough Midnight Run”, will cause a bittersweet tug at their heartstrings as they are reminded of the black fur ball known to others as “Tuffy”.

No matter how old I become or the miles between these goons and I, we will always have this cheesy bond. Others may try to understand...but they never will.


Anonymous said...

lol - tuna fish omelet!

thought of another one.... "if you have to laugh, laugh into your pillow." (this one is whispered in fear of mom catching us being up late)

sisters. sisters. there were never such devouted sisters.

love you right back ya big goon!

Anonymous said...

how 'bout this one.....
stop that smackin...or
...blankets and clothes pins

i do miss those days with my best friends....we will always have those days

love u stuff
